About Lauren B.

My specialty is helping clients discover and make use of their strengths to address the things in their lives that are causing them distress. I have significant experience helping clients through a variety of transitional periods, including relational changes, and life changes with college students and young adults. I can help you successfully navigate new areas of your life and support you in getting the help you deserve.

I have worked with all ages in both couple, family and individual settings, with a wide range of diagnoses and populations. Much of my experience comes from working with those who experience anxiety and mood disorders as well as family/relationship struggles. I work with individuals who have experienced trauma that are currently experiencing anxious and depressive symptoms. I also have experience working with adolescents who are struggling with self-harm and suicidal ideation and their families. I offer couples therapy to assist in improving communication between partners and reestablishing trust within the relationship. For couples, family and individual therapy, I incorporate parts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) while engaging in a strengths-based and family-systems focused approach. 

I help clients discover and make use of their strengths to address things in their lives that are causing them distress.

- Lauren Buroker, M.Ed/Ed.S,LMFT (She/Her)

Lauren is a therapist fellow at Empower Family Therapy. She has completed her Master of Education & Education Specialist degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Florida. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Illinois and Florida.

To schedule an appointment with Lauren, contact us and mention her name.


  • Depression, Anxiety & other Mood Disorders in teens/young adults

  • Autism & ADHD support for teens/young adults & their families

  • Couples therapy

  • Relationship & family of origin struggles

  • CBT & DBT approaches