about Jen K.
“As a child and family therapist, I serve as a translator between children and their parents. Most therapists choose to exclude small children from family therapy, but I am passionate about highlighting their natural ability to be capable contributors to the therapeutic process. Many children thrive simply from the experience of being seen and valued by an adult who supports them despite their problematic behaviors. I believe this is the first step in helping them develop the skills to harness their big feelings and communicate their experiences more successfully to their adults. Whether it be at home, the playground, school drop off, or even the grocery store, parents and children alike can learn the skills necessary to feel confident and connected in all of life’s circumstances.
Much of the work I do in helping children is done in tandem with helping their parents. Often parents view their child’s behavior as a reflection of their parenting, but my goal is to help you understand your child’s behavior as their way of communicating needs. Learning how to parent more intentionally than you experienced as a child can be overwhelming. I am here to help you process the impact of your own childhood experiences, explore how these past patterns impact your current patterns, and build the family dynamics you desire.
All too often I hear co-parents express frustration that they cannot seem to get on the same page as one another. Coming to my therapy office, you’ll learn to see the value in your co-parent’s unique approach and map out a plan that works for both of you. As a couples therapist in training, I am able to further support co-parents as they navigate relationship transitions and find new ways of connecting emotionally and intimately after having children.
I started my own therapy journey at just 6 years old, so I know what it is like to step into that room as a young person. Later on, I began my career as an early childhood educator teaching preschool and kindergarten before moving into administrative positions. As an administrator, I oversaw childcare centers that served children from the ages of 3 months to 6 years and their families. These experiences have fueled my passion for working with families who are in transition: welcoming new babies and the postpartum period, navigating new developmental milestones, and balancing household responsibilities. From my own experiences as a child in therapy to my work with students in the education field and now working as a family therapist, I feel incredibly grateful to be welcomed into the lives of children and families during their times of difficulty and transition.
I received my Master’s in Couple and Family Therapy at Adler University. When I am not seeing clients, I enjoy working on my art and taking long walks with my 4 year old maltipoo, Apollo. I love taking the time to enjoy new restaurants, art exhibits, music, and theater throughout Chicago. For self-care, I prioritize getting my nails done, partake in hot yoga, and appreciate a large coffee and bagel while indulging in a good book.”
“I am here to help you process the impact of your own childhood experiences, explore how these past patterns impact your current patterns, and build the family dynamics you desire.”
- Jen Kosanovich, M.A., ALMFT (she/her/hers)
Jen is a staff therapist at Empower Family Therapy. She has completed her Master of Arts in Couple & Family Therapy and has clinical experience. Jen is on track for licensure and receives direct supervision under Siemone Smith, LCPC and PhD candidate in Couple and Family Therapy.
To schedule an appointment with Jen, contact us and mention her name.
Perinatal mental health & postpartum support
Family planning, new parents, and early stages of parenting
Early childhood and young children with anxiety and/or behavioral concerns
Blending families & mismatched co-parenting styles
Balancing gender roles & household responsibilities for couples
Jewish culture and identity & interfaith relationships